Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Artists and crafters taking part

We are pleased to announce all the creatives taking part in our first Art & Craft Fair. We obviously have some very creative people in our community, some who even attended Lady Manners School. We will also  be offering a warm creative welcome to those who will be travelling from further afield (even Leeds!) More information to follow. 

Alex Johnson - Stained Glass
Alex Shimwell - Ceramics
Anne Alldread - Textiles
Annie Barnett - Design
Anthea Stephenson - Printmaking
belle and olive - Hand Crafting
Carol Eason - Painting and Printmaking
Chris Fleming Furniture
Easybeadsy Alison & Emily - Beads
Faerie Filigree - Jewellery
Helen Leaf - Hand Crafting
Ingrained - wood and steel work
Janet Beautyman - Printmaking
Jeanette Quinn - Ceramics
Matthew Lovell - Woodturning
Phoenix felting - Katherine Needs
Katherine Rhodes Artist: printmaking and painting
Lizzy Malley - ‘Sadiki Man Sahara’ fundraising Crafts
Mandy Eckworth Soft furnishings
Natasha Braithwaite Photography
Panni Loh Painter
Peak District Yarns - Hand dyed Yarns
Pip Barfield & Charles Walker - Printmaking
Pitch Blue Creative - Textiles
Poppy Scattergood - Textiles
Richard Whyles -  Printmaking
Ros Reader Artist - Artist
Samantha Groom  - Printmaking
Stella Chadwick - Glasswork
Tesni Ward - Photagraphy
The Lost Fox - Design/Illustration
The Tweed Queen - Textiles
Zoe Badger - Printmaking

Click on the names to find out more for some of our creatives.

1 comment:

  1. eAsy bEadsy are excited to be having their Bead Crafting Activity stall at Lady Manners School Art & Craft Fair 14/15th May
