Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Press Release

Discover a wealth of creativity at the Art and Craft Fair, Lady Manners School, Bakewell
Come to Lady Manners School on Saturday 14 May and Sunday 15 May 2016 for a unique Art and Craft Fair showcasing a range of creative talents. Lady Manners will be open for an extra special weekend - with stalls selling a range of art and craft goods, perfect to treat yourself to exclusive gifts, purchase a unique piece of jewellery or invest in a one off art piece to style your home. It will be a perfect chance see demonstrations by the stall holders ranging from printmaking to wood turning. There’s something to suit every budget.
Drop in after shopping or the weekend sporting activity to see the range of stalls selling all kinds of handmade items from furniture made from recycled wood to knitted and crocheted items, jewellery, glass, paintings, prints and cards.
Bring your family and friends and treat yourself to a glass of prosecco and a piece of cake, or a light lunch and look at the goods on offer.
There will be free parking on site and the £2 entry goes towards enhancing the education of the young people in our community. We look forward to seeing you there!

Contact for further information, images, quotes etc:

parentsassociationlms@gmail.com Event organiser Rachel Collier-Wilson

Notes to editors
Parents’ Association Registered Charity no. 50938

Lady Manners School
Shutts Lane
DE45 1JA

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Artists and crafters taking part

We are pleased to announce all the creatives taking part in our first Art & Craft Fair. We obviously have some very creative people in our community, some who even attended Lady Manners School. We will also  be offering a warm creative welcome to those who will be travelling from further afield (even Leeds!) More information to follow. 

Alex Johnson - Stained Glass
Alex Shimwell - Ceramics
Anne Alldread - Textiles
Annie Barnett - Design
Anthea Stephenson - Printmaking
belle and olive - Hand Crafting
Carol Eason - Painting and Printmaking
Chris Fleming Furniture
Easybeadsy Alison & Emily - Beads
Faerie Filigree - Jewellery
Helen Leaf - Hand Crafting
Ingrained - wood and steel work
Janet Beautyman - Printmaking
Jeanette Quinn - Ceramics
Matthew Lovell - Woodturning
Phoenix felting - Katherine Needs
Katherine Rhodes Artist: printmaking and painting
Lizzy Malley - ‘Sadiki Man Sahara’ fundraising Crafts
Mandy Eckworth Soft furnishings
Natasha Braithwaite Photography
Panni Loh Painter
Peak District Yarns - Hand dyed Yarns
Pip Barfield & Charles Walker - Printmaking
Pitch Blue Creative - Textiles
Poppy Scattergood - Textiles
Richard Whyles -  Printmaking
Ros Reader Artist - Artist
Samantha Groom  - Printmaking
Stella Chadwick - Glasswork
Tesni Ward - Photagraphy
The Lost Fox - Design/Illustration
The Tweed Queen - Textiles
Zoe Badger - Printmaking

Click on the names to find out more for some of our creatives.